New and Improved Shell Energy Stadium
It’s here and just in time for game day at the stadium.

Game Day is Here!
Shell Energy Stadium is here and right on time for the Houston Dynamo’s first game! This game is going to be a big one because it is the first one of the season. We are also getting a first look at the newly renovated Houston Dynamo/Dash Stadium. This stadium has gone through several renovations over the years and ARIA Signs & Designs has been there through it all.
From BBVA to PNC and now Shell Energy, ARIA Signs & Design was there to make the changes. From the year 2018, ARIA was first chosen to do the renovations and change BBVA Compass to BBVA. Several years later, ARIA continued to be chosen to renovate the stadium for PNC. To this day, ARIA Signs & Design is proud and honored to renovate the stadium for Shell Energy.

Making the iconic shell
In order to create a unique look for the new stadium, ARIA once again had to go to the drawing board to create a new look that fits the brand of Shell Energy. To do this, 3-D renderings were made of the sign to calculate the look and the size of the signage to fit the stadium and still stand out.

What made creating this signage unique was capturing the iconic shell logo and making it big enough to where everyone in the stands can see it. To do this the shell was designed to be 6ft tall, along with fabricated custom-made channel letters to compliment the shell.

Can not miss the huge shell!
The Shell sign is so huge and vibrant with red and yellow colors that you can not miss it while you are at the Houston Dynamo’s game, making this spot a picture-perfect moment.
ARIA Signs & Design is proud to say that we handcraft and manufacture all of our signs and make sure they are of good standing quality from beginning to end in any project that we build. Being chosen to be a part of the remodeling for Shell Energy Stadium is a huge accomplishment for us and we hope to continue our work with the Houston Dynamos and more!